Detection of Salmonella typhi Using Multiplex and Monoplex PCR in Tifoid Fever Patients


  • Andika Aliviameita Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo
  • Meryn Linanda Agustin
  • Anggie Wedha Puspita
  • Miftahul Mushlih
  • Puspitasari Puspitasari
  • Yanik Purwanti
  • Arief Wisaksono



Salmonella typhi, Inv A gene, Fim C gene, multiplex PCR.


Typhoid fever is a disease caused by Salmonella typhi infection. This disease is still a global problem. The purpose of this study was to develop a rapid detection method for Salmonella using molecular methods utilizing Inv A and Fim-C Genes. Two methods compared, which are Multiplex and monoplex PCR. The sample is in the form of the patient's blood, which is stored at 3 ml EDTA vacutainer tube consisting of 10 positive samples and five negative samples. The criteria for samples used previously have tested by widal/ immunoserology (titer more than 1/160). The results showed that multiplex PCR for detection of Salmonella using the Inv A gene and fim c gene not recommended because too many bands produced. The application of monoplex in the Inv A gene gives better results than the Fim C gene. In conclusion, the monoplex application on Inv A gene recommended than Fim C gene used to detect S. typhi in human blood samples.




How to Cite

Aliviameita, A., Agustin, M. L., Puspita, A. W., Mushlih, M., Puspitasari, P., Purwanti, Y., & Wisaksono, A. (2019). Detection of Salmonella typhi Using Multiplex and Monoplex PCR in Tifoid Fever Patients. Medical Laboratory Technology Journal, 5(2), 102–107.




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