Logam Merkuri pada Masker Pemutih Wajah di Pasar Martapura


  • Dinna Rakhmina poltekkes kemenkes banjarmasin
  • Lisa Lisa
  • Jasmadi Joko Kartiko




merkuri, kosmetik, masker pemutih wajah


Currently, many brands and types of skin whitening cosmetics can be found on the market. Not all products are safe for consumers. Illegal or non-licensed cosmetics from BPOM are suspect because unlisted cosmetics tend to contain harmful chemicals such as mercury (Hg). Mercury (Hg) was including harmful heavy metals. The use of mercury has been banned since 1998 through PERMENKES RI No. 445 of 1998, where mercury in small concentrations can be toxic. Negative effects of mercury such as allergies, skin irritation and permanent damage to the nervous system, kidney, brain and disrupt the development of the fetus, especially when used in high doses. The aim of this study was to know whether there is mercury content on bleach mask that sold in Martapura market in March 2017. This study used a descriptive method and the sample was taken by purposive sampling technique. There were 10 samples of face bleach mask that cost around Rp5.000,00 - Rp20.000,00. Based on the results of 10 samples taken at Martapura market, 3 samples contained mercury of face bleach mask. The conclusion of this study is that mercury still used as bleach on the facial in the Martapura market. Therefore, BPOM needs more supervision and intensive counseling about the risk of bleaching cosmetics containing mercury, so the consumer can be careful in choosing cosmetics.

Author Biography

Dinna Rakhmina, poltekkes kemenkes banjarmasin

jurusan analis kesehatan




How to Cite

Rakhmina, D., Lisa, L., & Kartiko, J. J. (2017). Logam Merkuri pada Masker Pemutih Wajah di Pasar Martapura. Medical Laboratory Technology Journal, 3(2), 53–57. https://doi.org/10.31964/mltj.v3i2.172




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